PR100 Primobolan Enanthate

Primobolan is an injectable version of the steroid methenolone. This is the same constituent in Primobolan orals (methenolone acetate), although here an enanthate ester is used to slow the steroid’s release from a site of injection. Methenolone enanthate offers a similar pattern of steroid release as testosterone enanthate, with blood hormone levels remaining markedly elevated for approximately 2 weeks. Methenolone itself is a moderately strong anabolic steroid with very low androgenic properties. Its anabolic effect is considered to be slightly less than Deca-Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate) on a milligram for milligram basis. Methenolone enanthate is most commonly used during cutting cycles, when lean mass gain, not a raw mass increase, is the main objective.



Primobolan cycles are commonly in the form of fat loss and/or cutting cycles. It is almost never used as a bulking or mass-gaining agent, and most of its use is in the form of a pre-contest drug in the final weeks leading up to a competition show or photo shoot. It is typically cycled with other compounds that hold similar qualities, properties, and half-lives. Many bodybuilders often stack Primobolan with Testosterone Propionate (or Testosterone Enanthate) and use it for the first 8 weeks of a cycle in order to assist in the retention of muscle mass during periods of low caloric intake.

Other bodybuilders will perform oral Primobolan cycles stacked with compounds such as Testosterone Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate, as all of the compounds involved work synergistically especially where half-lived are concerned. Some may opt to use Primobolan (either the oral or injectable) with some form of Testosterone and Winstrol (Stanozolol), typically the injectable form if it is with the oral Primobolan. It is important to remember not to utilized two different oral compounds within the same cycle.

Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate) should normally be run for no longer than 8 weeks, and the injectable form (Methenolone Enanthate) can be run in cycle lengths of 10-12 weeks (or longer, depending on the individual’s goals and desires).

The intention of Sustanon 250 is to, as a whole, provide an initial spike in blood plasma levels of Testosterone within 24 – 48 hours following administration. Following this, blood levels should remain elevated for a period of 21 days as a result of the larger Testosterone esters contained in the blend[9]. The idea here, as previously mentioned, was to utilize Sustanon almost exclusively in the treatment of Testosterone replacement therapy. This should be kept in mind when anyone is willing to run Sustanon cycles. The first indication that Sustanon’s half-life characteristics should give is the fact that Sustanon cycles need to be run for much longer periods as a result, typically 10 – 14 weeks. Even 10 week Sustanon cycles are regarded as being on the short end.

While many understand high testosterone levels are beneficial when growing, many fail to understand how beneficial they can be when cutting. A cutting cycle is a perfect time to supplement with Sustanon 250. Due to its tremendously powerful anabolic nature, Sustanon 250 will protect lean muscle tissue better than just about anything else. Protecting lean tissue is the primary benefit of high testosterone levels when cutting, but it’s not the only one. The use of Sustanon 250 will enable the individual to burn body fat at a more efficient rate due to the metabolic enhancement high levels will provide. It is, however, important to note that many will need to use less Sustanon 250 during their cutting phase compared to off-season phase due to estrogen sensitivity.

Thanks to high testosterone levels, your muscular endurance will be greatly enhanced. You will not tire out fast and your recovery rate will be greatly improved. Recovery is where progress is made. Progress isn’t actually made in the gym when we train. When we train we are actually tearing down muscle tissue. It is the repair process that brings about progress. High testosterone levels will see this progress enhanced and undertaken in a more efficient and thorough manner. This makes high testosterone levels very beneficial to athletes as recovery and endurance are key components to athletic performance. As a bonus, Sustanon 250 will increase the individual’s strength, again a key component to athletic success.

Primobolan dosage and administration depend heavily upon which form is being used: oral or injectable. Medical prescription Primobolan dosages outline 200mg as a first dosage, followed with 100mg every week for the complete duration of therapy. The medical condition being treated would determine what the actual full Primobolan dosage is.

The range can be anywhere from 100mg every one or two weeks to 200mg every two to three weeks. Medical guidelines for oral Primobolan dosages call for 100-150mg per day for no longer than 6-8 weeks of consistent use.

Where bodybuilding, athletics, and performance enhancement is concerned, beginner Primobolan dosages for the injectable format normally start at about 400mg per week. Intermediate Primobolan dosages are usually in the range of 400-700mg per week, which should be adequate enough, and advanced users may venture as high as 800-1,000mg per week.

Female Primobolan dosages in terms of safety and minimal virilization are usually in the range of 50-100mg per week. Injectable Primo tends to be used far less frequently by females than the oral variant, which is the preferred form.

Oral Primobolan dosages begin in the range of 50-100mg per day for beginners, 100-150mg per day for intermediates, and 150-200mg for advanced users. Female oral Primobolan dosages are usually recommended to be within the range of 50-70mg per day and should present little risk of virilization.

Oral Primo should be administered once per day with no requirement to split up dosages throughout the day, as its half-life is about 2-3 days. Injectable Primobolan exhibits a half-life of 7-10 days due to the Enanthate ester and should be administered twice per week, with each injection spaced evenly apart, in order to maintain stable and steady blood plasma levels.

The first thing to understand with Primobolan is that it is a DHT-derivative, meaning it is a modified form of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). As such, it carries with it many similar properties and characteristics, including the inability to convert (aromatize) into Estrogen at any dose, used. This should certainly be a comforting fact to most individuals who are concerned about Estrogenic side effects, such as bloating, gynecomastia, high blood pressure as a result of water retention, etc.

Although the oral format of Primobolan is C-17 Alpha Alkylated (also known as Methylation), which is a process that tends to make oral compounds present a degree of harm to the liver, Primobolan has never shown any measurable hepatotoxic effects to the body.

Although oral Primo does not impose any measurable negative effects on the liver, it still presents some small amount of hepatotoxicity and this should still be understood, especially when it comes to extended cycle lengths and/or very high dosages. With that being said, one death of an anaemic patient who was prescribed oral Primobolan has been linked to its use. Once again, high doses and/or very long cycle lengths of oral Primobolan may be a concern.


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