T100 Test Propionate

Testosterone Propionate is an excellent steroid. It is highly versatile and well-tolerated by most all adult men and affordable. The added propionate ester will slow the rate in which testosterone is released from the injection site. Testosterone propionate is, therefore, comparatively much faster-acting than other testosterone esters such as cypionate or enanthate, and requires a much more frequent dosing schedule.



For the low testosterone patient, if you supplement with Testosterone Propionate, you will suffer no more. This is the primary effect of testosterone in this regard.

For the off-season individual, there are very few anabolic steroids that can promote lean tissue growth like Testosterone Propionate. The individual will be able to grow in size at a significant rate and with less body fat accumulation that would otherwise occur. However, you must still eat (to receive enough calories) and train (to burn enough calories).

For performance enhancing, Testosterone Propionate is injected 50-100mg every other day, or in larger doses if the athletes or bodybuilder is more experienced. As a base of a steroidal cycle, Testosterone Propionate can be used to replace endogenous testosterone, or as a performance enhancer itself. As a performance enhancing drug (PED), 100mg every day is suggested in combination with an AI or SERM to control estrogenic side effects. Aromasin at 25mg every day or Arimidex 1mg every other day would be advised to keep estrogen levels in normal ranges.

Finally, the effects of Testosterone Propionate result in greater muscular endurance. You will do more work, won’t tire out as fast yet recover faster. This also includes the recovery of tore down muscle tissue (after training). Endurance and recovery are two of the key elements to successful athletic performance. As an added bonus, high testosterone levels will increase the individual’s strength. This is obviously an advantage to an athlete and is very welcomed in an off-season cycle designed for physique enhancement.

As far as steroids are concerned, the king of them is testosterone. It’s not only endogenously produced inside of the body (that’s a fancy way of saying naturally made) but it is also produced in other parts of the body as well. That makes it extremely important to keep in mind because it is something that is naturally beneficial and worthwhile to supplement. If you’re someone that is skeptical as far as using a steroid for long-term use, you might want to consider testosterone, especially the propionate version of it due to its effectiveness for long durations as a highly bio available steroid. It not only provides a high level of focus and aggression with standard dosages, but it is also relatively lax as far as side effects are concerned, but be aware, side effects do exist and should be noted.

– Anabolic activity — 100
– Androgenic activity — 100
– Aromatization (conversion to estrogen) — high
– Liver toxicity – normal
– Method of administration — oral
– Half Life — 4.5 Days
– Detection time — 2 weeks


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